I innovate and design products
that bridge creativity with functionality.

Hi! I’m Jiatao Quan, a UI/UX designer, researcher and innovator. I craft intuitive digital solutions and lead pioneering projects with a focus on user experience.

Experience in

Transformative Design Visionary & Proven Innovator

Awards & Recognition

Recognized for pioneering solutions in the tech and design arena. Prestigious awards highlight a consistent pattern of innovation and excellence.

Gold Medal at the INPEX Exhibition: An acknowledgment of front-end development expertise and innovative ideas
Proseed Hackathon Silver & Best Creative Award: A testament to design strategy and innovative thinking
Applications I'm fluent in

In the world of design and development, having the right toolkit is paramount. Fluent in a multitude of industry-leading applications.

Sketch: Used for creating high-fidelity interfaces and prototyping
Figma: Utilized for collaborative design processes and prototyping.
Programming: Proficient in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Node.js to bring designs to life.
Focusing on Accessibility

Beyond aesthetics, I craft designs that enhance user experience and functionality. Ensuring every product is not just visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly.

Clean and functional: A clear and intuitive interface, ensuring ease of navigation and a pleasant user experience.
Device and user-friendly: Designs that are responsive and tailored for a diverse user base, ensuring accessibility across devices.
Efficient and maintainable: Adhering to best practices to ensure designs are not only beautiful but also efficient and easy to maintain.

I bring life to design and Innovation

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Product Designer

That's me!

As a vanguard of modern living, I seamlessly blend technology with design, infusing life with 3D modeling, cutting-edge prototypes, and coding expertise to craft superior human-computer interaction experiences.